Britain's Rising V
3 December 2017
Tooting & Mitcham United Football Club (Getting there)
Doors 3pm, 4pm start
Once again, British Empire Wrestling ends the year with a big Stardom World Alliance show. We have some of the best female wrestlers from around the world coming to Tooting and Mitcham FC, plus two big men's matches.
On the card:
The Hipstar Kyle Ashmore vs Rob Cage for the BEW Heavyweight Championship
Charlie Morgan vs Star of Shimmer and Impact, KC Spinelli​
Coventry's loudest, Jetta vs The Amazing Grace Sadie Gibbs
Deeds match: Shawna Reed vs Jennifer Blake vs Kat Von Kaige - Winner gets a match of their choosing any time in 2018.
The Hitset vs Irish daredevils 2Unlimited
Jamie Hayter vs Savannah Summers in an International Grand Prix 2018 qualifying match
Bobbi Tyler vs Skye Smitson
Card subject to change

Adults £15
Kids £8
Family of 4 £40